******************************************************* MiG-29 Version 1.04 update ******************************************************* Contents ======== What is on this disk Update instructions Manual updating General program information Program fixes and added features since version 1.0 Hardware compatibility problems Acer and Acros computers Tseng ET4000/w32 chipset What is on this disk ==================== This disk contains all the files necessary to update your copy of MiG-29 to version 1.04. The update consists of three files (not counting this Read Me file). They are: PATCH.BAT PATCH.RTP GOPATCH.EXE Be sure all three of these files are copied into the directory that contains MiG-29 before going on with the update. Update instructions =================== WARNING: You should not run this updater if you have Falcon Gold installed. This MiG-29 1.04 updater may damage any Falcon Gold installation and should be used only with the floppy disk version of MiG-29. Switch to the directory that contains MiG-29 and type "PATCH" at the DOS prompt. You will see a number of messages indicating that various files are being updated. After a few minutes, the update should be complete. You can verify the update by typing "CHECKVER" at the DOS prompt. In addition to some memory and system information, you should see the following lines: CHECKVER V2.1 Program Version Date Time Size MIG29.EXE 1.04 6-14-94 08:08pm 1369383 Now that the update is complete, you can delete the patch files (PATCH.BAT, PATCH.RTP and GOPATCH.EXE) from your hard drive. Manual updating --------------- If you have trouble with the normal update procedure, you can update manually. Copy the GOPATCH.EXE and PATCH.RTP files into your MiG-29 directory. Then switch to your MiG-29 directory and type "GOPATCH" at the DOS prompt. General program information =========================== * In the Options menu, there is a new selection called "G ONSET." There are four settings: No Effect, Moderate, Difficult and Realistic. These settings refer to the likelihood of blackout due to a sudden onset of high G forces. Blackout can be caused either by continuous high Gs (such as 8-9 Gs for several seconds) or by a sudden onset of high Gs (such as going from 1 G to 10 Gs instantly). The settings on this menu alter the effects of G onset on blackout. At the No Effect setting, G onset has no effect on blackout. Pilots can only black out from continuous high Gs. At the Moderate setting, the effects of G onset on blackout are slight. At the Difficult setting, G onset plays a major part in determining blackout conditions but not as much as in reality. At the Realistic setting, blackout from rapid G onset is as likely as it is in reality. * When flying the Realistic flight model, the MiG-29 may suffer structural damage at 13 Gs or above. This usually damages the flap or ordnance. At 15 Gs, the structural damage to the aircraft may be catastrophic. * In the SWT radar model (selected at the Configuration screen), pressing "X" switches locked targets as described in the manual. In the HFR radar model, however, when in SWT mode, pressing "X" will instead break the lock on the current target and return the radar to SCN mode. To lock up another target, press "T" until you acquire the one you want, then press "Z" to lock it up. Pressing "X" will not automatically switch targets. * The MiG-29 cannot ripple bombs. Therefore, the ripple keys (";" and "'") do not work. * The Realistic flight model in MiG-29 does not require a math coprocessor. Program fixes and added features since version 1.0 ================================================== Version 1.04 changes -------------------- * The MiG-29 flight model has been improved to more accurately reflect its capabilities and to be more competitive with the other aircraft. * Sometimes the plane would unexpectedly roll left in version 1.03. This problem is now fixed. * Your wingmen will be more aggressive in engaging enemy planes, especially when returning home. * TM-STICK (developed by Ken "Stinger" Richardson and ThrustMaster) has been updated in version 2.1 to work with MiG-29 version 1.04. In addition, TM-STICK 2.1 works with earlier versions of MiG-29. For more information on TM-STICK, please read TM-STICK.TXT. Version 1.03 changes -------------------- * In response to a number of users who were having trouble with sudden high G forces destroying their aircraft without warning, we have added a G-damage limiter. Press Alt-O (the letter O) to turn it on or off. When the G-damage limiter is on, it limits the amount of damage you can suffer from high G forces. You will still black out, but at least the plane will not turn to confetti. An indicator light for this subsystem has been added to the Mach meter. When this light is on, the G-damage limiter is active. When it is off, the limiter is inactive. The limiter is inactive until you turn it on. * Serious joystick control and calibration problems found in version 1.0 have been fixed. The joystick inputs are now linear, and there is a "null zone" of 20% of the stick's travel. What this means is that the plane will react evenly to gradual increases in stick pressure, and that slight movement of the stick near the center point will not cause the plane to jerk around. * This new version is fully compatible with version 2.0 of the TMSTICK.COM joystick TSR, developed jointly by Ken "Stinger" Richardson and ThrustMaster. With their permission, we have incorporated much of the TMSTICK code into this update. As a result, you do not need to load TMSTICK.COM to fix your joystick problems. If you want the other features of TMSTICK, however, you will still have to load it. * Version 1.03 fixes a problem where the views would sometimes switch around (especially to the Left View) without any user input. Version 1.02 changes -------------------- * The MiG-29 vs. MiG-29 communications problems introduced in version 1.01 have been fixed. * Several users reported a problem where if you create a squadron, take off and return, create another squadron, take off and return, then try to fly another mission with the first squadron, the game would crash with a message saying "Fatal Error! Cannot Create File!" This problem, relating to the number of planes in a squadron, has been fixed. Version 1.01 changes -------------------- * Ground units in Red Flag will no longer fire upon your MiG-29 near Nellis. * The flight model has been improved, which is most noticeable in nose stability, trim control, and stability at high airspeeds. * In Red Flag, enemy F-16s can now be assigned weapons loads. * Problems with joystick calibration are now fixed. * Some users reported difficulty with rolling right. This problem is now fixed. * Adjustments to the flight model have made maneuvering and control smoother. * Some users reported problems with pitching upward when in any outside view. The problem was that the plane would not go beyond 30 degrees upward pitch until the player switched back to an inside cockpit view. This problem has been corrected. * The airspeed scale on the HUD is now marked correctly. Previously, 1100 kts was marked as 1000 kts (so it read 900, 1000, 1000, 1200). * At extremely high airspeeds (in excess of 800 knots), the nose would rise no matter how the trim controls were used. The trim controls are now effective at all airspeeds. Hardware compatibility problems =============================== A couple of special hardware problems have been reported. The first has to do with Acer motherboards. The other problem only affects users who have a video card with the Tseng ET4000/w32 chipset. Acer and Acros owners --------------------- Owners of Acer computers, Acros computers or other computers with Acer motherboards using BIOS version version 1.2 could not play MiG-29. When the game was run, it would simply freeze with a blank screen. The solution is to use a small TSR (terminate-and- stay-resident) program called ACER.COM which we created to deal with this incompatibility problem. Running this update will automatically copy ACER.COM into the directory containing MiG-29. If you have an Acer with BIOS version 1.2, type "ACER" before you run MiG-29. This will load the ACER TSR into memory, where it will allow you to play MiG-29. When loaded, ACER.COM takes up 768 bytes (0.8K) of conventional memory. Since MiG-29 requires 602K of conventional memory, be sure you have enough free RAM for this TSR as well. When you are done playing, type "ACER U" to unload the TSR from memory. Tseng ET4000/w32 chipset ------------------------ If you have a video card with the Tseng ET4000/w32 chipset, you may experience problems with frequent white flashing in the simulation. You can download a specific fix for this video problem from our Customer Support BBS at (510)522-8909 or from GEnie, CompuServe or America Online.